Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's all about choices...

I would bet most, if not all people who set out on a diet or fitness regime don’t stick to it. They probably fail at least once… or twice. Heck, probably repeatedly. Then, they give up. I couldn’t find any stats to prove any of this, but there are a lot of muffin tops running around my town.

I was definitely one of them, at least for the last five years. Well, not muffin-topper, a diet failure. I’m feeling pretty successful now, since I’m down 25lbs over the last 4 months and I don’t have a death grip on my daily menu. I’m not afraid of slipping backwards every minute of everyday. I was trying to figure out what was this different this time and it all comes down to the choices you make.

It’s easy, especially for us women, to let our minds (the not very supportive part) talk us into bad choices when we’re dieting. 100% change in daily routine or food choices usually last a couple days. The then nag in the back of your head gives you a couple good excuses about eating junk and why you shouldn’t establish that new workout routine.

For myself, I’m very much a routine-oriented person and an “all-or-nothing” person. I do just about the same thing, everyday and I fully immerse myself in everything about a new hobby. Before (on Monday mornings, of course) I’d start my diet. Rarely did I make it to Thursday, because I was so focused on getting Monday 100%, that by Wednesday or Thursday I’d be skipping workouts and eating junk again. Vowing to start again on the following Monday and really get it “this time.”

My current diet? Started on a Wednesday. Ha! Ya can’t fail the same day you start! And I didn’t tell myself, “You have to get it right all. The. Time.” I told myself, “You have to start making the right choices, most of the time, that get you the body you want.” Now, if I want an M&M cookie from the coffee shop across the street (I swear there is an addictive chemical in those things) I get it. And I make sure to remind myself it’s a choice I am making. Yes, cookies day after day aren’t going to get me into my size 8 Old Navy shorts. But, making the choice to have a little treat every so often will keep me sane on this crazy ride.

Ultimately, in making the choice to eat better, drink water instead of soda or hit the streets for a walk instead of watching TV is about choosing YOU. By making you the priority, you’ll reach your life goals, be it with your weight loss, fitness goals or even happiness. And the more you make the right choices, the easier it becomes. Work the day you are in and do not allow yourself the time to get caught up in how long it will take you to get weight off. The time is going to pass anyway!

Today and tomorrow think about the choices you are going to make and comment on them here. Are you going to choose to make lunch a salad with some chicken? After work are you going to hit the gym, instead of going home to lounge? I want to hear about it!


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