Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enjoying the Journey

Whenever a successful dieter said, "It's a marathon, not a sprint" in reference to their lasting weight loss, I used to roll my eyes. What a cliche. You've got to be kidding me. That's just what they want you to think when the fad diet doesn't work so you keep spending money. These were my thoughts for at least the last 5 years or so.

However, earlier last week I had a bit of an epiphany. I've been on the losing weight track for almost 5 months now. I've officially hit my halfway mark of 30lbs (30 to go, of course). Then... it hit me. I was actually ENJOYING THIS JOURNEY! And perfectly ok with the idea that I wasn't losing 10lbs a week like the Biggest Loser contestants! In fact, there are days I don't see the scale budge, but I have to get rid of jeans because they won't stay on anymore!

I'm sure you're rolling your eyes now, too. But, seriously, if you are wanting to get in better shape and at the very least, eat healthier, there is a way to do it while actually enjoying the journey. Think of a couple things you can change right now. Pick a couple items that won't greatly effect your current lifestyle. What are the things that you know you SHOULD change? Focus on changing those first. To create a habit, it generally takes about two weeks. I know you can handle anything for two weeks. Take a couple things (drinking less soda, less fat/sugar laden coffees, the bagel with cream cheese every morning) and change it up to healthier options. Instead of soda, try some of the different vitamin waters. They are sweet and actually pretty good. Your liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. will thank you. Instead of a grande caramel macchiato, try a misto with half the caramel instead. It's half drip coffee, a little steamed milk and I do half the flavor in mine. Still just as tasty with a bit more caffeine kick. Want a tasty, quick breakfast? Try BSN's Cinnamon Roll protein powder and some oatmeal. Just as tasty as the Quaker packaged stuff, but much healthier. And because oatmeal is a better carb for you in the beginning of the day, it will keep you full longer.

Small swaps like these, will help you foster new habits and that is really the best way to step into a healthier and fitter lifestyle. As you progress further, you'll find yourself naturally craving the healthier options. It's really weird and there are days I just want to eat cake, don't get me wrong. But, you'll find that your mind begins to decipher and crave the foods that are going to make it perform better.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plugging Along...

Looking back at my workout log this week, it was pretty dang low mileage. It's nice heading out for a run around my hilly town with fairly fresh legs everyday! Since I have several months to train for the half, I'm kind of leap-frogging my Sunday runs between endurance and some speed training. So far, so good.

The rest of the weekend is pretty relaxed, I got a new swimsuit for training this week, and I cannot contain my excitement, so I'm heading to the pool in a bit. Tomorrow will be about a 4.6mi run, at half marathon pace (which means I'll be moving quicker than my normal Sunday long, slow run.) 

The week of the 15th I've got a bit more mileage planned, as well as a small bike clinic with a friend (fellow tri-babe). We'll be heading out to see a trainer friend of mine who has raced tons of elite cycling races, triathlons and coached track as well as cross-country. She's also a personal trainer I used to see a few years ago, when my schedule was a little more flexible. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl 10k

As most folks feasted on Buffalo Wings, Dorito's and knocked back beers today, I completed a 10k run. The local YMCA puts on a series of "Resolution Runs." The first Sunday is earmarked for racing ever increasing distances. We had 5k (3.1mi) in January, the 10k (6.2mi) for February and 2 more scheduled after this 15k (9.3mi) for March and 20k (12.4mi) in April. The fun thing is it's more of an organized training run than a race, with most folks looking to complete spring half marathons and full marathons. The weather was perfect for a run, but geez! Must I live in the worlds hilliest town?! Despite my quads screaming on the downhills and burning on the inclines, I was able to beat my goal time by over a minute!

Some of you know that I've recently switched to minimal running shoes, the Nike Eclipse. Actually, they are supposed to be casual shoes... Hey! They were the only thing that I could find with a super thin sole and low heel lift. My legs feel MUCH better than after any of my runs in my Saucony Hurricanes or other over-engineered running shoes/pillows. Blech! 

After I updated my Facebook peeps (or let them know I lived through the run) a friend of mine commented to me about my consistency in meeting my goals. What a compliment! I've never really been consistent in anything in life (unless it's my constant tardiness or procrastination). It made me think about how I got to where I am, from where I was several months ago. As I referenced in my first post, do the right thing most of the time and it gets easier and easier. A lot of folks have trouble sticking to a new fitness plan because they aren't at 100% with their diet, water, workouts, etc. That doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towel. 

Make the right choice most of the time and you'll find your body naturally craves 100%, whether it be natural foods, water or looking forward to setting out on your run or hitting the weights. Right now, I crave veggies and a lot of fruits and lean meats, because that's what fuels my body best. The last 15 minutes of my workday are garbage because I train after work. All I'm thinking about is my workout, where I'm running to and how fast I can change my clothes and GO!! Make the right choice most of the time and you'll find your body will build the habit itself.

Stay tuned for my post in the next couple days on why chicks need to hit the weight room!

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