Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm still alive! And less fat!!

Wow. It's been like 45 days since I updated this. Thankfully, I'm still working hard training and eating right. I'm now down around 35lbs! I've got about 25lbs to go, then I'll reassess where I'm at. But, during the month of April, I spent more time on the bike, scheduled some strength training AND finally registered and got started with an all women triathlon group! Whew!

Other good stuff though, I've been realizing that I could be half way decent at this triathlon thing! Having the swimming background, I'm not nervous about the swim like most are. I was most nervous about the bike, but having rode with a friend (and accomplished cyclist) she says I'm at a way better starting point than I think I am. The run? Only 3.1mi... piece o' cake! Although, I did have a dream the other night that I was on my final kick in the run and my legs wouldn't work... 

Anyhoo, since we're at the beginning of a new month, May, here's what I'm going to accomplish:

- On the diet front, May is my last solid month of dieting, until July. Since I have a half marathon in late June, I'm going to be eating more around maintenance just before and after the race (dieting other times.) I'm just going to make sure that I'm writing EVERYTHING down. If I don't track my eating, calories and extra bites tend to sneak up on me. I usually make healthy choices, but really, even if you're eating more calories healthy or not, you're just not really going to burn 'em.

- Workouts - I've got all my workouts planned from now until August (when the tri is.) May is a real running focus month, with swim workouts weekly and 1-2 long bike rides per week. 

- May is Bike Month! So, to celebrate Bike to Work day on Friday, May 21, I'm going to just ride my bike to work all dang month. Aside, it's going to help me as I don't have to buy an $85 parking pass AND I'll be getting more comfortable and more fit on my bike.  

I think that's it for now, I'll try to stay on this thing more as we get into the heat of training season.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting to the Start Line

Boy, I don't know how these people in the blog-o-sphere do it! Sure, I've never had a problem finding something to say, it's just finding the dang time to do it! I need more uninterrupted writing time at work, that's all there is to it. 

To bring you up to date on the happenings in my weight loss world, I am happy to share that the tendinitis issues seems to be gone. Cross your fingers that on my 11 mile training run on Saturday, it doesn't pop back up. I'm still down 30lbs, but really happy with the leanness of my legs from running and actually find that in photos my weight loss in noticeable.

From now through the end of May, I'm still focusing mainly on my running and building base for the half marathon in late June. By April I will have ran more than 13.1 miles, so I'll have a rough idea of what I'll do for the half. 

I'm officially signed up for the Danskin Women's Triathlon in August. I'm very much looking forward to training with about 100 other crazy women throughout this summer. And, I received an email from a friend about a half marathon in September, that I may do a couple weeks after a local tri. Tired, yet? 

Looking forward to these races... Can I just say that I've just now become comfortable with calling them that? Because I'm certainly not in the running for any awards. Anyhoo, looking forward to these races, it's hard not to think about what your time will be and have a goal. When you register for half marathons, they make you estimate your finishing time. Shoot! I have no idea. It'll be real slow now, but 6 months (and hopefully 30lbs) later, it should be faster... Aren't I supposed to be running this for myself?! And not some time?! 

I let myself get a little worked up about times and hitting time goals. Then I spoke with a good friend of mine, Katie Savage, an accomplished cyclist, triathlete and personal trainer. She gave me some great advice. So great in fact, that I don't time anymore of my training runs. "First year," she said, "focus on getting the training done and getting to the start line. The second year, it will get easier and the third year, the speed will come."

So, with that said, I'm focusing on building the base and letting the speed show up later. I'm going to ride my bike to and from work tomorrow, wish me luck!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Slackin' on my pimpin'

I've got to thank my friend Deana for that phrase that makes the title.

The last couple weeks have been uneventful in trainingland. I've stepped back a tad on my running to deal with some tendinitis issues developing in my foot/ankle. Gotta thank my grandpa for the family ankle issues and freaky high arches. So, I've added in a little more cross-training and upped my tri base training. Registration for the Seattle Danskin opens in a little over a week! Woohoo!

Now, back to the slackin'. The main slacking has been diet related. Maybe it's in my head, but I feel like I've been allowing myself to get a little lax in tracking what I eat. Since I can't focus on my mileage as much (I get too frustrated.) I've been trying to eat more natural foods and get in lots of healthy fats. However, by not tracking it, I'm not sure it's actually happening. Luckily, the scale hasn't changed at all, in the upwards realm, so I know I'm still doing well at least maintaining. I'm officially down 30lbs since October, but my goal is to hit another 20lbs down by my birthday in June. That means, it's time to stop Slackin' on my Pimpin'! 

I'm an organizational freak about my diets/workouts, so I bought a new log to track in. I'd keep everything in excel, but I like having it with me all the time, so I'm going to build teh master excel diet spreadsheet and then copy it to my new logbook. I'll have all kinds of boxes to check and items to track. I get excited just thinking about it!! (Which is funny because if ya asked me to track anything at work other than daily stuff, I pitch a fit!)

Anyhoo, that's about it. March is full of fun stuff. I always seem to hit a lull here, with spring/summer on the horizon, so I'm incorporating some fun classes at the gym. I've found that changing up your workout regime every of often keeps your body responding, but it also gives your mind a break and a new challenge. Gyms in my area are beginning to roll out new programs and classes and I've seen a LOT of outdoor boot camps starting up all over the place. Check your local Craigslist or even do a google search to find one near you. The nice thing is many accommodate busy people. They have early hours or now later ones, since it's beginning to stay lighter later!

This week, I have a Tuesday off, so I'm tackling a couple of my favorite gym classes, Boot Camp and an Abs class. Then, some friends and I have a local St Patrick's Day Dash. The end of this month, I'm going to join another friend for some rec indoor soccer. Come on 20lbs, exactly 3 months to lose!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enjoying the Journey

Whenever a successful dieter said, "It's a marathon, not a sprint" in reference to their lasting weight loss, I used to roll my eyes. What a cliche. You've got to be kidding me. That's just what they want you to think when the fad diet doesn't work so you keep spending money. These were my thoughts for at least the last 5 years or so.

However, earlier last week I had a bit of an epiphany. I've been on the losing weight track for almost 5 months now. I've officially hit my halfway mark of 30lbs (30 to go, of course). Then... it hit me. I was actually ENJOYING THIS JOURNEY! And perfectly ok with the idea that I wasn't losing 10lbs a week like the Biggest Loser contestants! In fact, there are days I don't see the scale budge, but I have to get rid of jeans because they won't stay on anymore!

I'm sure you're rolling your eyes now, too. But, seriously, if you are wanting to get in better shape and at the very least, eat healthier, there is a way to do it while actually enjoying the journey. Think of a couple things you can change right now. Pick a couple items that won't greatly effect your current lifestyle. What are the things that you know you SHOULD change? Focus on changing those first. To create a habit, it generally takes about two weeks. I know you can handle anything for two weeks. Take a couple things (drinking less soda, less fat/sugar laden coffees, the bagel with cream cheese every morning) and change it up to healthier options. Instead of soda, try some of the different vitamin waters. They are sweet and actually pretty good. Your liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. will thank you. Instead of a grande caramel macchiato, try a misto with half the caramel instead. It's half drip coffee, a little steamed milk and I do half the flavor in mine. Still just as tasty with a bit more caffeine kick. Want a tasty, quick breakfast? Try BSN's Cinnamon Roll protein powder and some oatmeal. Just as tasty as the Quaker packaged stuff, but much healthier. And because oatmeal is a better carb for you in the beginning of the day, it will keep you full longer.

Small swaps like these, will help you foster new habits and that is really the best way to step into a healthier and fitter lifestyle. As you progress further, you'll find yourself naturally craving the healthier options. It's really weird and there are days I just want to eat cake, don't get me wrong. But, you'll find that your mind begins to decipher and crave the foods that are going to make it perform better.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plugging Along...

Looking back at my workout log this week, it was pretty dang low mileage. It's nice heading out for a run around my hilly town with fairly fresh legs everyday! Since I have several months to train for the half, I'm kind of leap-frogging my Sunday runs between endurance and some speed training. So far, so good.

The rest of the weekend is pretty relaxed, I got a new swimsuit for training this week, and I cannot contain my excitement, so I'm heading to the pool in a bit. Tomorrow will be about a 4.6mi run, at half marathon pace (which means I'll be moving quicker than my normal Sunday long, slow run.) 

The week of the 15th I've got a bit more mileage planned, as well as a small bike clinic with a friend (fellow tri-babe). We'll be heading out to see a trainer friend of mine who has raced tons of elite cycling races, triathlons and coached track as well as cross-country. She's also a personal trainer I used to see a few years ago, when my schedule was a little more flexible. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl 10k

As most folks feasted on Buffalo Wings, Dorito's and knocked back beers today, I completed a 10k run. The local YMCA puts on a series of "Resolution Runs." The first Sunday is earmarked for racing ever increasing distances. We had 5k (3.1mi) in January, the 10k (6.2mi) for February and 2 more scheduled after this 15k (9.3mi) for March and 20k (12.4mi) in April. The fun thing is it's more of an organized training run than a race, with most folks looking to complete spring half marathons and full marathons. The weather was perfect for a run, but geez! Must I live in the worlds hilliest town?! Despite my quads screaming on the downhills and burning on the inclines, I was able to beat my goal time by over a minute!

Some of you know that I've recently switched to minimal running shoes, the Nike Eclipse. Actually, they are supposed to be casual shoes... Hey! They were the only thing that I could find with a super thin sole and low heel lift. My legs feel MUCH better than after any of my runs in my Saucony Hurricanes or other over-engineered running shoes/pillows. Blech! 

After I updated my Facebook peeps (or let them know I lived through the run) a friend of mine commented to me about my consistency in meeting my goals. What a compliment! I've never really been consistent in anything in life (unless it's my constant tardiness or procrastination). It made me think about how I got to where I am, from where I was several months ago. As I referenced in my first post, do the right thing most of the time and it gets easier and easier. A lot of folks have trouble sticking to a new fitness plan because they aren't at 100% with their diet, water, workouts, etc. That doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towel. 

Make the right choice most of the time and you'll find your body naturally craves 100%, whether it be natural foods, water or looking forward to setting out on your run or hitting the weights. Right now, I crave veggies and a lot of fruits and lean meats, because that's what fuels my body best. The last 15 minutes of my workday are garbage because I train after work. All I'm thinking about is my workout, where I'm running to and how fast I can change my clothes and GO!! Make the right choice most of the time and you'll find your body will build the habit itself.

Stay tuned for my post in the next couple days on why chicks need to hit the weight room!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Training

I got to thinking that I haven't really giving you all an idea of what my training is like for this half marathon/triathlon craziness. 

I've been back in the gym, consistently since late September of 2009. My fitness and endurance is coming back with the cardio and weights, but at first I felt like a real slug. At of the first of this year, I decided to really focus my running on building mileage base for the half marathon. (A half marathon is 13.1 miles.) The half is June 26th, so I still have a bit of time. I'm definitely not built like an endurance athlete, hell, I'm not even built like an athlete (pin-up girl? Now we're talking!) Anyhoo, I have to really make sure to train my muscles to handle the endurance, without injury. Part of that is just plain running and part of it is factoring in rest and building muscle, too. So, from the first of January until March 1st, I'm running 4 days a week and stationary biking 2 days. I also have two workouts I'm doing in the gym. One is focused on power, with higher weights and lower reps and the other on endurance, lower weights and lots of reps (and lots of lactic acid.)

In the gym, I'm also focusing on more dynamic/functional training. Even though that seems to be a real buzzword right now in the fitness industry, I think done effectively, it can help even the chubby athletes. Most of my leg work is done unilaterally as well.  It basically involves more bodyweight work for stabilizer muscles and waking up some muscles that aren't really good at firing (hip flexors for me and most office jockeys.) 

So far, I haven't missed one workout. I'm enjoying the challenge and have races scheduled every month until June (sometimes 2) to keep me motivated for the half marathon. Some friends and I are even running a local 10k (6.2mi) on Super Bowl Sunday. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's all about choices...

I would bet most, if not all people who set out on a diet or fitness regime don’t stick to it. They probably fail at least once… or twice. Heck, probably repeatedly. Then, they give up. I couldn’t find any stats to prove any of this, but there are a lot of muffin tops running around my town.

I was definitely one of them, at least for the last five years. Well, not muffin-topper, a diet failure. I’m feeling pretty successful now, since I’m down 25lbs over the last 4 months and I don’t have a death grip on my daily menu. I’m not afraid of slipping backwards every minute of everyday. I was trying to figure out what was this different this time and it all comes down to the choices you make.

It’s easy, especially for us women, to let our minds (the not very supportive part) talk us into bad choices when we’re dieting. 100% change in daily routine or food choices usually last a couple days. The then nag in the back of your head gives you a couple good excuses about eating junk and why you shouldn’t establish that new workout routine.

For myself, I’m very much a routine-oriented person and an “all-or-nothing” person. I do just about the same thing, everyday and I fully immerse myself in everything about a new hobby. Before (on Monday mornings, of course) I’d start my diet. Rarely did I make it to Thursday, because I was so focused on getting Monday 100%, that by Wednesday or Thursday I’d be skipping workouts and eating junk again. Vowing to start again on the following Monday and really get it “this time.”

My current diet? Started on a Wednesday. Ha! Ya can’t fail the same day you start! And I didn’t tell myself, “You have to get it right all. The. Time.” I told myself, “You have to start making the right choices, most of the time, that get you the body you want.” Now, if I want an M&M cookie from the coffee shop across the street (I swear there is an addictive chemical in those things) I get it. And I make sure to remind myself it’s a choice I am making. Yes, cookies day after day aren’t going to get me into my size 8 Old Navy shorts. But, making the choice to have a little treat every so often will keep me sane on this crazy ride.

Ultimately, in making the choice to eat better, drink water instead of soda or hit the streets for a walk instead of watching TV is about choosing YOU. By making you the priority, you’ll reach your life goals, be it with your weight loss, fitness goals or even happiness. And the more you make the right choices, the easier it becomes. Work the day you are in and do not allow yourself the time to get caught up in how long it will take you to get weight off. The time is going to pass anyway!

Today and tomorrow think about the choices you are going to make and comment on them here. Are you going to choose to make lunch a salad with some chicken? After work are you going to hit the gym, instead of going home to lounge? I want to hear about it!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Beginning

I’ve always been a big girl. And by big, I don’t mean obese or anything, but big. I’m a tall chick, with a sturdy frame and I’ve always had an extra cushion of flab. To get you familiar with where I am now, let’s just take a walk down my last 6 years or so of fitness ups and downs. Uhh… mainly ups...

About 6 years ago, I embraced running. I loved it. It was free, without catchy weight-loss gimmicks and I could run anytime and (just about) anywhere. I spent about 4 months running, doing some full body weight workouts and counting all the calories I could. I lost about 45lbs during this stint and for the first time in my life I was thin and fit! I maintained this loss for about a year then fast forward through life happening, including losing my mom to Cervical Cancer and I piled that 45 back on, plus an additional 35. Yikes!

Throughout the following years, up until recently, I’ve tried just about every diet and trainer out there. My head just wasn’t in it and in retrospect, I think I was expecting that for weight loss to stick, I had to give up everything and live in a bubble. At a certain point, I became totally complacent and figured that it was just genetics. There are plenty of happy fat people out there, right? Right?! The good thing that happened through the yo-yoing was that I learned a bit about weight training, proper nutrition and a bit how the body works to burn fat and keep you going throughout the day. I added a fair amount of muscle to my body during this time and while I wasn’t always happy with the scale, as I lose weight, I’m happy to have added muscle mass.

After writing all that, I guess this isn’t technically the beginning. More like the end. The end of yo-yo dieting and binge eating, the end of choosing crap to fuel my body and the end of being a sloth. Hey! I’ve already lost 25lbs! So, I suppose you could say this is the beginning of leaner, meaner (well, figuratively) me.

I’m currently training for a half marathon – June 26th, 2010 and the Danskin Women’s Sprint Triathlon in August of 2010. I’ve got my own training plan from now until late May, when I’ll be joining the Kitsap Tri-Babes through the summer. They are a local group, of like-minded women, who gather a couple times weekly to train. While training for my half marathon and building a triathlon base, my intent is to lose another 40lbs or so. Oh, and still enjoy cupcakes and a few cocktails here and there. Heh.

The purpose of this blog is to inspire and motivate all women out there like me. Not all successful female runners and triathletes are muscley twigs! Successful female athetes are the ones that have the courage to start training for something that sounds completely unconventional and make it to the starting line. John Bingham wrote in one of his books (I believe, Marathoning for Mortals) that the part to focus on, the really hard part of the race, was getting to the starting line. After that, you get to spend the next few hours celebrating the end of your training and that's exactly what I'm going to do!

I was never a sports star, and I never will be, but dammit, I’m going to train like an athlete, complete some races and have fun and I hope you all enjoy the ride.

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