Saturday, March 6, 2010

Slackin' on my pimpin'

I've got to thank my friend Deana for that phrase that makes the title.

The last couple weeks have been uneventful in trainingland. I've stepped back a tad on my running to deal with some tendinitis issues developing in my foot/ankle. Gotta thank my grandpa for the family ankle issues and freaky high arches. So, I've added in a little more cross-training and upped my tri base training. Registration for the Seattle Danskin opens in a little over a week! Woohoo!

Now, back to the slackin'. The main slacking has been diet related. Maybe it's in my head, but I feel like I've been allowing myself to get a little lax in tracking what I eat. Since I can't focus on my mileage as much (I get too frustrated.) I've been trying to eat more natural foods and get in lots of healthy fats. However, by not tracking it, I'm not sure it's actually happening. Luckily, the scale hasn't changed at all, in the upwards realm, so I know I'm still doing well at least maintaining. I'm officially down 30lbs since October, but my goal is to hit another 20lbs down by my birthday in June. That means, it's time to stop Slackin' on my Pimpin'! 

I'm an organizational freak about my diets/workouts, so I bought a new log to track in. I'd keep everything in excel, but I like having it with me all the time, so I'm going to build teh master excel diet spreadsheet and then copy it to my new logbook. I'll have all kinds of boxes to check and items to track. I get excited just thinking about it!! (Which is funny because if ya asked me to track anything at work other than daily stuff, I pitch a fit!)

Anyhoo, that's about it. March is full of fun stuff. I always seem to hit a lull here, with spring/summer on the horizon, so I'm incorporating some fun classes at the gym. I've found that changing up your workout regime every of often keeps your body responding, but it also gives your mind a break and a new challenge. Gyms in my area are beginning to roll out new programs and classes and I've seen a LOT of outdoor boot camps starting up all over the place. Check your local Craigslist or even do a google search to find one near you. The nice thing is many accommodate busy people. They have early hours or now later ones, since it's beginning to stay lighter later!

This week, I have a Tuesday off, so I'm tackling a couple of my favorite gym classes, Boot Camp and an Abs class. Then, some friends and I have a local St Patrick's Day Dash. The end of this month, I'm going to join another friend for some rec indoor soccer. Come on 20lbs, exactly 3 months to lose!!


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